Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Turkey Season!!
OoOoOo it's the Holiday Season!!! I love this time of year. :) Fall gives me thoughts of warm coziness, hot coco, and family. There's just so much fun to be had.
We've been learning about the First Thanksgiving. There was so much to learn and a nice thing about homeschooling is that we're all learning together. Jay and Bee like telling other family members what they've learned. I enjoy them telling everyone for the fact that I can tell that they really do grasp the subject. They are such intelligent cookies!! :) Makes a mama proud.
I've just really enjoyed getting to know them. They're just so much fun to hang out with.
Seems like everyone is always asking if the boys are in school since they are around the age where they would normally start. They either ask me or ask the boys. I am hesitant to reply since I don't want any funny looks or silly comments, especially in front of the boys. Today they were asked that question, "Are you in school yet?" Jay replied proudly, "Yes! We're Homeschooling!" :) There was no fuss about it. an d that was the end of that. :)
I look to the future and wonder what God has in store for my boys. :) Something great I know!! but what?? They have such a love for God already. We talk to Him on a daily basis and about Him. He is the center of our lives. I want them to grow and have God be the center of theirs. To have faith like my children is my goal. Jay and Bee have no fear and such strong faith in Jesus. :) I only pray that as a mom I can continue to build them up as Strong Mighty Men for God!
We've been learning about the First Thanksgiving. There was so much to learn and a nice thing about homeschooling is that we're all learning together. Jay and Bee like telling other family members what they've learned. I enjoy them telling everyone for the fact that I can tell that they really do grasp the subject. They are such intelligent cookies!! :) Makes a mama proud.
I've just really enjoyed getting to know them. They're just so much fun to hang out with.
Seems like everyone is always asking if the boys are in school since they are around the age where they would normally start. They either ask me or ask the boys. I am hesitant to reply since I don't want any funny looks or silly comments, especially in front of the boys. Today they were asked that question, "Are you in school yet?" Jay replied proudly, "Yes! We're Homeschooling!" :) There was no fuss about it. an d that was the end of that. :)
I look to the future and wonder what God has in store for my boys. :) Something great I know!! but what?? They have such a love for God already. We talk to Him on a daily basis and about Him. He is the center of our lives. I want them to grow and have God be the center of theirs. To have faith like my children is my goal. Jay and Bee have no fear and such strong faith in Jesus. :) I only pray that as a mom I can continue to build them up as Strong Mighty Men for God!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wow it's been a while since I've last posted something. We've just been so busy with homeschooling and being pregnant. With October coming to an end we've got lots and lots to do.
Just yesterday we were hanging out with our Park friends. A nice little Halloween bash at the park. We had a nice potluck and some trick or treating. Had such a nice fun day at the park seeing old friends and making new ones. The only bad thing was the weather. It was way too hot for me. I was in jeans and sweating like a little piggy. :P Jay and Bee enjoyed all their little goodies that they received.
Here's a pic of Bee playing with some faux vampire teeth. :)
Jay and Bee are both excited about being big brothers. Bee likes to blow raspberries on my belly. He also likes to yell at his unborn brother telling him to, "WAKE UP!" hehe :) Some mornings I get woken up by them lifting my shirt to try to listen to what the baby is doing. They are going to be good big brothers. I can see them smothering him with hugs and kisses. :) Jay likes to take part in being Daddy's little reporter... He wont let me have any coffee. He's going to tell on me if I drink any. :D I think its so funny and cute. So now I can only have hot coco in the mornings.

Homeschooling- It's been going so well. We are starting to read already and learning so much. I've started the boys on lapbooking. A creative way to do unit studies. They are really learning from it. I'm having fun using all my scrapbooking toys. We read Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr. Seuss. Broke it down and extrapolated whatever material we could and put it in a lapbook. We had fun coloring apples and counting. Made a graph and learned the parts of an apple. We made some sequence cards showing how an apple

We are blessed!! God has blessed us abundantly!! I'm so thankful for all that we've been given. I hope to not grumble when times are not the best because I know that our situation is better than most. :) Have an awesome Fall season!! :)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
It's been difficult keeping up with these postings... I've been so tired lately. I'm always so exhausted with each pregnancy. I cant wait till the time comes to find out if we're having a boy or girl. :) May God bless us with a little princess.
Life's been boring since I have little energy to go out. My mornings are normally better than my evenings. Even as I type this I'm drowsy, trying to fight off sleep till a little later.
Tomorrow is going to be my anniversary with my hubby :) 5 whole years. :) Doesn't feel that long but it has been. I wonder if my hubby remembered?? I guess we will find out tomorrow..
So until tomorrow then :P
Life's been boring since I have little energy to go out. My mornings are normally better than my evenings. Even as I type this I'm drowsy, trying to fight off sleep till a little later.
Tomorrow is going to be my anniversary with my hubby :) 5 whole years. :) Doesn't feel that long but it has been. I wonder if my hubby remembered?? I guess we will find out tomorrow..
So until tomorrow then :P
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Obs Drs.... Natural Birth
As you know I'm prego with my third baby. I've been so busy lately trying to find an Ob that would be willing to just sit on his butt and wait for this baby to come naturally. I've been fighting an up hill battle. It's been so difficult trying to figure out names of Obs for natural birth.
My hubby and I have been discussing a lot about how this birth would turn out. I was wanting a homebirth and by some miracle in the insurance world I had gotten it covered as in-network. My husband, wont allow me to have a homebirth due to the fact that I've had two previous c-sections. I understand his worry for me and the baby. I figured my hands were tied and I'd be force to have another c-section but there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel.
So here I am dilligently searching for a Ob that's open minded enough to really consider what I want. I've been online for hours on end searching for VBAC friendly Obs in the area. Hopefully in doing my part, educating myself and knowing the ins and outs will help me get what I want.
God willing this will all come together.
My hubby and I have been discussing a lot about how this birth would turn out. I was wanting a homebirth and by some miracle in the insurance world I had gotten it covered as in-network. My husband, wont allow me to have a homebirth due to the fact that I've had two previous c-sections. I understand his worry for me and the baby. I figured my hands were tied and I'd be force to have another c-section but there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel.
So here I am dilligently searching for a Ob that's open minded enough to really consider what I want. I've been online for hours on end searching for VBAC friendly Obs in the area. Hopefully in doing my part, educating myself and knowing the ins and outs will help me get what I want.
God willing this will all come together.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Christianity and Homeschooling
Well as you all know I'm a Jesus follower who has decided to homeschool... I see so many people with scrunched up faces when I tell them I'm homeschooling as if I have a huge wart on my face. I guess I still need to get use to the negativity that comes with this new found territory. I must say that I believe that homeschooling is a calling for our family. We have prayed and fasted over this. This decision was made between husband, wife and God.
God calls us to, "train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6 I think training not only pertains to Godliness but academics as well.
God also warns us of being in the wrong crowds. "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 13:20 How are we as parents suppose to protect our children from the wrong crowds when we aren't there to see it? In a public school setting we find out too late. Even in preschool Jay's teacher couldn't tell me who he accidentally tripped over because of some rule they had. (I understand that it was an accident but what else can they hide from a parent?) What else won't they tell me till it's too late??
Titus 2 talks about how we are to teach each other. No just mother or father teaching but the older generation teaching the younger ones.
The first communities that was established was what?? Adam and Eve... A family! Where did teaching begin? God teaching his children the Laws and then in the FAMILY.
I understand that people dont want to go down this road but who is better to train your children than their own mother and father? Is a stranger to know your child better than you? I know in this society we think of ACADEMICS before we think of GODLINESS. But it is better to train them up for Heaven than for Harvard!
How is it that children who are homeschooled socially inept? I think that is a falicy! Homeschooled children are not only schooled at home but in every environment possible. They find that learning is not only in a building that is paid by taxes and government funds but everywhere. Because learning is everywhere they interact and socialize with a varity of people. So to say a homeschooled child is socially inept is wrong. It's only that way if you want it to be.
I just had to vent it out...
God calls us to, "train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6 I think training not only pertains to Godliness but academics as well.
God also warns us of being in the wrong crowds. "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 13:20 How are we as parents suppose to protect our children from the wrong crowds when we aren't there to see it? In a public school setting we find out too late. Even in preschool Jay's teacher couldn't tell me who he accidentally tripped over because of some rule they had. (I understand that it was an accident but what else can they hide from a parent?) What else won't they tell me till it's too late??
Titus 2 talks about how we are to teach each other. No just mother or father teaching but the older generation teaching the younger ones.
The first communities that was established was what?? Adam and Eve... A family! Where did teaching begin? God teaching his children the Laws and then in the FAMILY.
I understand that people dont want to go down this road but who is better to train your children than their own mother and father? Is a stranger to know your child better than you? I know in this society we think of ACADEMICS before we think of GODLINESS. But it is better to train them up for Heaven than for Harvard!
How is it that children who are homeschooled socially inept? I think that is a falicy! Homeschooled children are not only schooled at home but in every environment possible. They find that learning is not only in a building that is paid by taxes and government funds but everywhere. Because learning is everywhere they interact and socialize with a varity of people. So to say a homeschooled child is socially inept is wrong. It's only that way if you want it to be.
I just had to vent it out...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I found this awesome shirt!! I just fell in love with it!! I just felt that my personality shows through... hehe.
I've been looking at prego mags. and baby things lately. I've come to the conclusion that babies really don't need all the things advertised. The need diapers, clothes, milk, and mama! The other frilly stuff sure does make life a lot easier but not a necessity.
I'm excited about our new arrival!! I cant wait to find out if it will be a boy or girl. Either way we will be happy but we sure are hoping for a princess to enter into our lives.
So many people in my family are concerned about money... and the family about to extend to 5. How will we make it? My answer is the Lord will make it possible. We prayed and took time to think out this decision of adding to our family. I have no doubt that the right decision was made. Financially, we will survive, and make it through. God's name is Yahweh Yireh: My Lord My Provider! All I can say is that I have FAITH!! So the people who are concerned just know that I'm in God's hands. I TRUST HIM!!!
Have Faith!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Bun In the Oven!!

The Cole Family has another bun cooking in the oven. It's going to be ready some time in Feb. Jay and Bee are excited about the new baby. Some how they think that the baby will come out my mouth when it's time. HEHE I couldn't help but laugh at that. I'm not sure on how to tell them where babies come from. Any ideas on telling them?? I want to tell them the truth but I don't want to be so blunt about it.
Today Jay, Bee, and I went to grab some free corndogs at Hot Dog on a Stick. Yummy!! I think it was extra yummy for the fact that it was free!! I also got some walking in. We walked around the mall and stop at my fav. store, Not Of This World and Motherhood. I like them both. Picked up a pair of maternity jeans since I don't own a pair I thought I would be worth it. I Love Jeans. I wear them all the time. To any kind of event. You can alway dress up or dress down with jeans. They are very multi-functional.
I started having cravings early. I crave fresh fruit!! My other symptoms are minor... I have a little nausuea but snacking helps ease it. A sensative nose, sore boobies and extream fatigue. Today I took a nap for 3 hours. And later at about 9 I'll be ready for bed and wake early. Take a nap round noon. It's just a cycle. But I enjoy it and can't wait till this little one comes!!
Time to think of names for this munchkin...l.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Smart Cookies!!
I started today with some "quiet time" with the Lord at Starbucks. (It's not so quiet there. Trust me) I shouldn't begin my day with out giving time and devotion to the King of Kings. I need more discipline when it comes to that. Depending on the season and what's going on I get side tracked and forget or put it off. But on the days that I do give Him my time... No matter what may happen I'm not phased. I have comfort in knowing that my God is with me ALWAYS! If God is with me who can be against me??
Well, I had a relaxing day of going to park day, doing laundry and hanging out with with my family. The boys and I had gone to the park to hang out with some of our fellow homeschoolers. It was awesome as always. I haven't been to the park in months!! I was so busy with school and other things that my babies had no playtime with friends... SORRY!! Got home did the gi-mung-us pile of laundry and spent some time with my boys.
Jay, my BRIGHT son shocked me today... I started to look up some curriculum and found that Explode the Code has a website. They allow you to do a demo of their online curriculum. I started to play it with Bee, when Jay comes in the room and wants to play. We start to play and as we pass each level it gets harder. We start with which picture has the same sound as A? Acing every level we completed. We pass a few levels and it asks for the student to spell the word. Jay and I would work together sounding out the picture and spell the word. He was spelling FAN, CAP, MAT and so on!! I was so excited!! He did so well on his own. All mommy did was break the word down for him.
Mommy's got TWO smart cookies!! (They're pretty yummy too) I'm a proud MAMA!
Well, I had a relaxing day of going to park day, doing laundry and hanging out with with my family. The boys and I had gone to the park to hang out with some of our fellow homeschoolers. It was awesome as always. I haven't been to the park in months!! I was so busy with school and other things that my babies had no playtime with friends... SORRY!! Got home did the gi-mung-us pile of laundry and spent some time with my boys.
Jay, my BRIGHT son shocked me today... I started to look up some curriculum and found that Explode the Code has a website. They allow you to do a demo of their online curriculum. I started to play it with Bee, when Jay comes in the room and wants to play. We start to play and as we pass each level it gets harder. We start with which picture has the same sound as A? Acing every level we completed. We pass a few levels and it asks for the student to spell the word. Jay and I would work together sounding out the picture and spell the word. He was spelling FAN, CAP, MAT and so on!! I was so excited!! He did so well on his own. All mommy did was break the word down for him.
Mommy's got TWO smart cookies!! (They're pretty yummy too) I'm a proud MAMA!
Friday, May 29, 2009
What next?

I've passed all my classes!! Now is the time to PARTY! Although I have and "ISSUE" with one of them, my specialized interpreting class. Looks like there's been an error on my grade! I'm like all up tight bout it right now. It's all I can think about. I've worked so hard and I got a C which should be a B or an A. My professor forgot to add one of my test scores so instead of inputting my 86 pts. I received a big fat ZERO. My only problem is will my professor be in either today or even next week?? He has a tendency to take off on vacation and not come back to school stuff till it's time for school to start. I'm in a jam.. What do I do?? I want the grade that I worked for.
I know I should track my professor down and tell him. :) I know he'd either be at home or in Las Vegas with a new "Vegas Wife." (Inside Joke) I'm going to miss my professor! Having him 4 times a week to now nothing. I've been seeing him more than my hubby in the past few months.
Wow it's all over. It's such a bitter sweet moment right now. I'm excited that I'm through it but what do I do now?? How am I going to use this new gained knowledge?? I've work hard for the past few years juggling both a family and school. I know I'm at a cross-roads.
Just which way do I turn?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
It's finally over!! I'm finished with school!! Now that's if I passed all my classes, which I believe I have. What more can I ask for? I'm in heaven right now knowing that it's over. But I guess I'll officially find out next week if I passed all my classes. I'm like jumping up and down inside and I wanna hoot and holler!! But I keep myself composed. :) I just have the hugest grin right now. It's just nice that the pressure is done with.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Homeschool Methods
I've been thinking lately of how to homeschool the Boys. They are so intelligent and I'm blown away at the way the can talk like a grown up as young as they are. I personally have a love for curriculum and I enjoy the unschooling method as well. They have such a curious nature that they ask some darn good questions that just stump me. I'm always needing to tell them that I'll have to research that and get back to them.
I think that we will go for the eclectic homeschooling method. A little bit of everything. I just like it all. I think that's where we'll start and we'll have to re-evaluate later. All I know is that I want to find a way to learn that best suits them as an individual. My goals are geared towards training them to be Godly Men, life skills and academics. And in that order.
(P.S. I've finally added the pic of our tie-dyed shirts on the Disney!! post.)
I think that we will go for the eclectic homeschooling method. A little bit of everything. I just like it all. I think that's where we'll start and we'll have to re-evaluate later. All I know is that I want to find a way to learn that best suits them as an individual. My goals are geared towards training them to be Godly Men, life skills and academics. And in that order.
(P.S. I've finally added the pic of our tie-dyed shirts on the Disney!! post.)
Superstar Jay!!
Jay had a performance at school today. He was singing and dancing. It was all so cute!! I'm so proud of him. Apparently we didn't get the memo that we were suppose to wear a white shirt and jeans. OOpps. I had him in a striped blue and green shirt at first and khaki pants. I decided for Jay and Bee to switch shirts so that Jay wouldn't stand out as much.
Jay seems to have a passion for music right now. Any ideas to help encourage him at this age? I mean I don't want to limit him because he's suppose to be in Pre-K but I don't want to overwhelm him either.
Jay seems to have a passion for music right now. Any ideas to help encourage him at this age? I mean I don't want to limit him because he's suppose to be in Pre-K but I don't want to overwhelm him either.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Blew It!!
One of my classes has a group project and I've totally blew it. I forgot about our study group that was today. I should have planned it better but I forgot. I think I'm going to be in trouble when I see them tomorrow. :( Afraid to face the wrath of my group... Hopefully they'll be kind. It kinda sucks since last semester we had a similar project and we had 4 weeks to study and practice. This semester its only 2 weeks. Which is why I think they'll ring my neck for sure. I guess I'll have to plead for forgiveness.
Life in The Cole Household is doing well. We've been truly blessed with great family and friends, and in many other areas in our life. It seems like life is perfect here. Although we sure do miss my sister in law. She's out doing God's work in Africa. I can't tell you how proud we are of her and her step out in faith to do what God has called her to do. (If you read this COCO WE LOVE YOU!!)
Bee and Jay stayed over at my parents last night. They had a grand ol' time. Staying up late watching movies and playing with Ong and Ba-Ba (My Daddy and Mommy). My parents are savoring the time they have with them since they're off on vaction for 4 weeks. They're going with my Older Brother to Vietnam. I'll sure miss them lots!! I wonder... HOUSE PARTY??? hehe Just kidding....
Life in The Cole Household is doing well. We've been truly blessed with great family and friends, and in many other areas in our life. It seems like life is perfect here. Although we sure do miss my sister in law. She's out doing God's work in Africa. I can't tell you how proud we are of her and her step out in faith to do what God has called her to do. (If you read this COCO WE LOVE YOU!!)
Bee and Jay stayed over at my parents last night. They had a grand ol' time. Staying up late watching movies and playing with Ong and Ba-Ba (My Daddy and Mommy). My parents are savoring the time they have with them since they're off on vaction for 4 weeks. They're going with my Older Brother to Vietnam. I'll sure miss them lots!! I wonder... HOUSE PARTY??? hehe Just kidding....
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Today was an awesome day.
I went to the grocery store and shopped for food. I'm falling in love with Fresh and Easy. I Love It!! They just have such reasonable prices and I love that the food goes on clearance! Good and cheap!
I later went to have lunch with a good friend of mine. It's been a while since we've seen each other. I had such fun. It made my day better to see her friendly face! Nothing better than to have a relaxing time chatting it up with a good friend.
I had a BLESSED day!!
I went to the grocery store and shopped for food. I'm falling in love with Fresh and Easy. I Love It!! They just have such reasonable prices and I love that the food goes on clearance! Good and cheap!
I later went to have lunch with a good friend of mine. It's been a while since we've seen each other. I had such fun. It made my day better to see her friendly face! Nothing better than to have a relaxing time chatting it up with a good friend.
I had a BLESSED day!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
God's Will
Here's a questions to ya... How should we interpret God's Will for something that we desire?
Do we sit there and be passive or do we be proactive?
I've been talking to a few people about our decision to add another blessing to our family. How do I interpret God's Will in this situation?? Some say I've been too proactive for it to be God's will. I sit here pondering on what should or shouldn't be done.
Do we obstain from having sex? or Do we try? How do you end up in a compromise of the two?? Does it even make sense to have sex and not try?? Because I believe that using Birth Control is really taking things into your own hands.
Do we sit there and be passive or do we be proactive?
I've been talking to a few people about our decision to add another blessing to our family. How do I interpret God's Will in this situation?? Some say I've been too proactive for it to be God's will. I sit here pondering on what should or shouldn't be done.
Do we obstain from having sex? or Do we try? How do you end up in a compromise of the two?? Does it even make sense to have sex and not try?? Because I believe that using Birth Control is really taking things into your own hands.
Monday, April 13, 2009
I did this questionnaire with Jay. It's so funny to see how they see you. Hope you enjoy it and ask your kids the same questions and see how they respond. If you do it leave a comment telling me how it went.
1. What is something Mama always says to you? "I don't know”
2. What makes mom happy? "being good and cleaning up”
3. What makes mom sad? "not helping you, mommy”
4. How does your mom make you laugh? " funny things.. funny talkings"
5. What was your mom like as a child? " i donno”
6. How old is your mom? "16”
7. How tall is your mom? “this many” (he streached out his hands only 2 feet)
8. What is her favorite thing to do? "clean up your room”
9. What does your mom do when you're not around? "go to school and swinging bee on the swing at the park”
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? " a lady”
11. What is your mom really good at? "being good at daddy”
12. What is your mom not very good at? "green fabric, our house, the computer, everything!”
13. What does your mom do for a job? "cleaning up the house”
14.What is your mom's favorite food? " strawberries”
15.What makes you proud of your mom? " cleaning up MY room”
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? " An engineer”
17. What do you and your mom do together?"we clean up together”
18. How are you and your mom the same? " you get little, only same hands only same legs only those is the same”
19. How are you and your mom different? "we talk different b/c Jesus made everybody different not same “
20. How do you know your mom loves you? "I dont know”
21. What does your mom like most about your dad? “watching bad scary movies”
22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go? "to the park and to Disneyland"
I guess in conclusion to him I'm a clean freak! hehe Although it's quite the opposite! But to be able to normally function in this small apt. We do clean often. :) I like that he says I'm 16. I know I look it... I should think it's a compliment from my little man.
1. What is something Mama always says to you? "I don't know”
2. What makes mom happy? "being good and cleaning up”
3. What makes mom sad? "not helping you, mommy”
4. How does your mom make you laugh? " funny things.. funny talkings"
5. What was your mom like as a child? " i donno”
6. How old is your mom? "16”
7. How tall is your mom? “this many” (he streached out his hands only 2 feet)
8. What is her favorite thing to do? "clean up your room”
9. What does your mom do when you're not around? "go to school and swinging bee on the swing at the park”
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? " a lady”
11. What is your mom really good at? "being good at daddy”
12. What is your mom not very good at? "green fabric, our house, the computer, everything!”
13. What does your mom do for a job? "cleaning up the house”
14.What is your mom's favorite food? " strawberries”
15.What makes you proud of your mom? " cleaning up MY room”
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? " An engineer”
17. What do you and your mom do together?"we clean up together”
18. How are you and your mom the same? " you get little, only same hands only same legs only those is the same”
19. How are you and your mom different? "we talk different b/c Jesus made everybody different not same “
20. How do you know your mom loves you? "I dont know”
21. What does your mom like most about your dad? “watching bad scary movies”
22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go? "to the park and to Disneyland"
I guess in conclusion to him I'm a clean freak! hehe Although it's quite the opposite! But to be able to normally function in this small apt. We do clean often. :) I like that he says I'm 16. I know I look it... I should think it's a compliment from my little man.
Yesterday was an awesome day!! I had such a good time with my family and friends. Easter is one of my Fav. holidays. I've always enjoyed it a little more than Christmas. Maybe because it's close to my birthday?? I donno, but I enjoy the Easter season.
The boys and I went off to hang out with my family. Hubby was busy working at church. We had a late lunch with extended family in Anaheim Hills. Had a great time hanging out with them. It was small but we really enjoyed spending time and talking to our family, since it was the first time we had a holiday since Grandma passed away.
Jay and Bee had fun playing with a little girl named Maggie. She was from China but her family is in the states I believe for work or school?? But the three of them had a blast. They did an egg hunt together. Bee was screaming every time he found an egg. On of my Uncle's guest said that his fav. was Bee. It was funny to see the excitement over hard boiled eggs. HAHA.. Any one have some recipes for hard boiled eggs?? I have 2 dozen in my fridge right now.
THe boys and I left early to make it to church. I wasn't going to miss church this Sunday even if it ment leaving my wonderful family. Isreal Houghton was coming to church! The service was wonderful!! I had such a nice time.
We then ended our day at my Mother-in-law's house. We bought some TacoBell for a really late dinner. Ate some food together and then left for home.
All in all it was an awesome day!
The boys and I went off to hang out with my family. Hubby was busy working at church. We had a late lunch with extended family in Anaheim Hills. Had a great time hanging out with them. It was small but we really enjoyed spending time and talking to our family, since it was the first time we had a holiday since Grandma passed away.
Jay and Bee had fun playing with a little girl named Maggie. She was from China but her family is in the states I believe for work or school?? But the three of them had a blast. They did an egg hunt together. Bee was screaming every time he found an egg. On of my Uncle's guest said that his fav. was Bee. It was funny to see the excitement over hard boiled eggs. HAHA.. Any one have some recipes for hard boiled eggs?? I have 2 dozen in my fridge right now.
THe boys and I left early to make it to church. I wasn't going to miss church this Sunday even if it ment leaving my wonderful family. Isreal Houghton was coming to church! The service was wonderful!! I had such a nice time.
We then ended our day at my Mother-in-law's house. We bought some TacoBell for a really late dinner. Ate some food together and then left for home.
All in all it was an awesome day!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I personally know many many public school teachers and I'm sure that what I say may offend some but I feel the need to say what is on my mind.
So many of us have gone through the public school system ourselves. I enjoyed my schooling years but now that I'm older I look back and think of the things I could have learned by my parents side? My family has decided to homeschool and I as I look back my point of view has changed completely. I use to pity the homeschooled students and now I envy them.
With eyes open wide.... I see the public school system as a processing plant. It categorizes where in life you will go. Brainwashes you to take in lies and regurgitate those lies to pass the test. It's a place where they train our children how to take orders and not think for themselves. If you ask the wrong questions you're a disruption to the class....
John D. Rockefeller was the one who established the National Education Association and said this, "I dont want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers." I believe that says it all... The man who established the NEA? Said WHAT?? Now did you know when the government began to get involved with education that test score averages dropped? SAT scores in 1900 to 1994 dropped 73%.
Bell rings. You enter in sit at you desk getting trained in various subjects. Bell rings. You get up and eat lunch. Bell rings. You sit at your desk again and continue trainning. Bell rings. Time to leave school. Bell rings. You're back at school getting brainedwashed.
Bell rings. You enter and sit at you desk doing what you were trained to do. Bell rings. Time to eat lunch. Bell rings. You come back to your desk and continue work. Bell rings. Time to go home. Bell rings. You start you day over again only difference is you're working for the MAN.
Is a stranger to know your child better than YOU?? I don't believe so... Then why is it that we daily send our children off into the hands of strangers? Why do they have them in their critical year? Ages 4-18 When they are so maluable?
I believe that they want passive stupid people to nod their heads and do as they are told.
When an elephant is young they tie his foot to a tree stump. No matter how hard they try to run they can't because they aren't strong enough. As that elephant grows older it is still tied to the same stump. He can only walk so far untill he feels that tug and stops. He believes that he reached his limits but in reality he can break through that barrier and be free. Same as public schools... as they place our minds in this box to become those passive people who wont think outside the box, (or should I say sardine can?)
I'm sure I stepped on a few toes but I must say sorry we dont have the same views. I just wanted to give some people a little something to digest and open your horizons.
By the way HAPPY EASTER!! :P
So many of us have gone through the public school system ourselves. I enjoyed my schooling years but now that I'm older I look back and think of the things I could have learned by my parents side? My family has decided to homeschool and I as I look back my point of view has changed completely. I use to pity the homeschooled students and now I envy them.
With eyes open wide.... I see the public school system as a processing plant. It categorizes where in life you will go. Brainwashes you to take in lies and regurgitate those lies to pass the test. It's a place where they train our children how to take orders and not think for themselves. If you ask the wrong questions you're a disruption to the class....
John D. Rockefeller was the one who established the National Education Association and said this, "I dont want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers." I believe that says it all... The man who established the NEA? Said WHAT?? Now did you know when the government began to get involved with education that test score averages dropped? SAT scores in 1900 to 1994 dropped 73%.
Bell rings. You enter in sit at you desk getting trained in various subjects. Bell rings. You get up and eat lunch. Bell rings. You sit at your desk again and continue trainning. Bell rings. Time to leave school. Bell rings. You're back at school getting brainedwashed.
Bell rings. You enter and sit at you desk doing what you were trained to do. Bell rings. Time to eat lunch. Bell rings. You come back to your desk and continue work. Bell rings. Time to go home. Bell rings. You start you day over again only difference is you're working for the MAN.
Is a stranger to know your child better than YOU?? I don't believe so... Then why is it that we daily send our children off into the hands of strangers? Why do they have them in their critical year? Ages 4-18 When they are so maluable?
I believe that they want passive stupid people to nod their heads and do as they are told.
When an elephant is young they tie his foot to a tree stump. No matter how hard they try to run they can't because they aren't strong enough. As that elephant grows older it is still tied to the same stump. He can only walk so far untill he feels that tug and stops. He believes that he reached his limits but in reality he can break through that barrier and be free. Same as public schools... as they place our minds in this box to become those passive people who wont think outside the box, (or should I say sardine can?)
I'm sure I stepped on a few toes but I must say sorry we dont have the same views. I just wanted to give some people a little something to digest and open your horizons.
By the way HAPPY EASTER!! :P
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday!!
to me!! hehe I had an awesome birthday. My hubby and I had some alone time! He took me out to lunch and a movie. Simple but it was so nice. It was a GOOD FRIDAY! hehe being it was Good Friday and all :) It seems like years since we've seen a movie in the theaters. Although a I was sick for 2 days before my birthday. Bee and I had the stomach flu but we've now passed the germs along to Daddy. Daddy is awfully ill.. :(
I know I've been MIA when it comes to my blog. I've been living life and enjoying the moments I've been spending with my baby boys. They are growing so fast!! I've been trying to steer clear from my blog to try not to spill the beans but I feel like its time to tell....
Well...Here it goes... :) My hubby and I have decided to add on to our family. One more bundle of blessings will be entering into the Cole family soon I hope. I was going to wait till it was official to announce it in my blog but looks like when your trying to conceive (TTC) it can take some time. hehe I find it ironic how when you're not planning you get pregos it's so easily but when you are it takes forever!!
Another thing I find funny is how our society views children.... They really do see children as a burden rather than a blessing. I'm confronted with a lot of animosity as I slowly announce this to my family. My friends are accepting of the news but I wonder if some are snickering just like my family does?? Not that I care, more like curiosity. *SIGH* "Fruit of the womb is a reward!" Psalms 127:3-5 What more can I say??
to me!! hehe I had an awesome birthday. My hubby and I had some alone time! He took me out to lunch and a movie. Simple but it was so nice. It was a GOOD FRIDAY! hehe being it was Good Friday and all :) It seems like years since we've seen a movie in the theaters. Although a I was sick for 2 days before my birthday. Bee and I had the stomach flu but we've now passed the germs along to Daddy. Daddy is awfully ill.. :(
I know I've been MIA when it comes to my blog. I've been living life and enjoying the moments I've been spending with my baby boys. They are growing so fast!! I've been trying to steer clear from my blog to try not to spill the beans but I feel like its time to tell....
Well...Here it goes... :) My hubby and I have decided to add on to our family. One more bundle of blessings will be entering into the Cole family soon I hope. I was going to wait till it was official to announce it in my blog but looks like when your trying to conceive (TTC) it can take some time. hehe I find it ironic how when you're not planning you get pregos it's so easily but when you are it takes forever!!
Another thing I find funny is how our society views children.... They really do see children as a burden rather than a blessing. I'm confronted with a lot of animosity as I slowly announce this to my family. My friends are accepting of the news but I wonder if some are snickering just like my family does?? Not that I care, more like curiosity. *SIGH* "Fruit of the womb is a reward!" Psalms 127:3-5 What more can I say??
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Where do babies come from??
I know parents have be asked this question for ages... but what do your kids think?? So here is what Jay and Bee think....
Jay... "We eats babies and then babies are in the tummy?"
Bee... "Lets go buy a brother!"
Haha... They are so funny
Jay... "We eats babies and then babies are in the tummy?"
Bee... "Lets go buy a brother!"
Haha... They are so funny
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I've been away for quite some time, reflecting and sharing with my husband. Things are well in the Cole household! We've been praying that God would open up doors for our family! And he HAS!!! We have some exciting news coming up... but we're not telling till it is official!!
I've been busy planning away at my Daddy's Birthday party. I now need to teach Jay and Bee to say a little saying in Vietnamese. It's funny to hear them speak Vietnamese cause they know so little. They speak un-clearly but it's so cute. Now for the next challenge.. finding something for my Dad. He love's books, has an interest in fine alcohol, loves to watch Vietnamese movies.... He's a simple hard working Dad. Any suggestions on gifts for my Daddy??
I've been busy planning away at my Daddy's Birthday party. I now need to teach Jay and Bee to say a little saying in Vietnamese. It's funny to hear them speak Vietnamese cause they know so little. They speak un-clearly but it's so cute. Now for the next challenge.. finding something for my Dad. He love's books, has an interest in fine alcohol, loves to watch Vietnamese movies.... He's a simple hard working Dad. Any suggestions on gifts for my Daddy??
Monday, March 2, 2009
Car went CAR-plop!!
Well this weekend was a nice and easy one. I had tons of fun with the family. We were about to get on our way to Chuck-E-Cheese when our car goes CAR-plop! Today we took it into the shop and hopefully we will get it back tomorrow.
Life is different without a car. I miss my car and the freedom to go when and where I want to go. I am now realizing what a blessing it is to have a car. It is amazing how we take advantage of what we have. I think we tend to overlook what we have in front of us. I thank God for ALL that I have. I hope to instill that in our children, thankfulness for what they have.
Anyways... This weekend was really kick back. No where to go and nothing to do, so we just took things slow. It was a nice change in pace for a few days. We hung out and just took our time. I played with Jay and Bee, took naps and went to church.
I've been listening to some audios from They are really helping me raise up some Godly men for the Lord. I hope and pray everyday for them and for them to know and love the Lord. Homeschooling has just opened up my eyes to see how to really take advantage of the questions they ask and to teach them from that. Since our car broke down I explained to them that we had to take it to a mechanic and told them what a mechanic does. Jay is so funny... He was asking why didn't Daddy fix the car. I had told him that Daddy didn't know how and that he never learned. Jay had an idea, he said, "Why not let Daddy watch the mechanic so he can learn to fix it." That is a good idea but I don't think Daddy wants another thing to add on to his "To Do List." Hehe.
Life is different without a car. I miss my car and the freedom to go when and where I want to go. I am now realizing what a blessing it is to have a car. It is amazing how we take advantage of what we have. I think we tend to overlook what we have in front of us. I thank God for ALL that I have. I hope to instill that in our children, thankfulness for what they have.
Anyways... This weekend was really kick back. No where to go and nothing to do, so we just took things slow. It was a nice change in pace for a few days. We hung out and just took our time. I played with Jay and Bee, took naps and went to church.
I've been listening to some audios from They are really helping me raise up some Godly men for the Lord. I hope and pray everyday for them and for them to know and love the Lord. Homeschooling has just opened up my eyes to see how to really take advantage of the questions they ask and to teach them from that. Since our car broke down I explained to them that we had to take it to a mechanic and told them what a mechanic does. Jay is so funny... He was asking why didn't Daddy fix the car. I had told him that Daddy didn't know how and that he never learned. Jay had an idea, he said, "Why not let Daddy watch the mechanic so he can learn to fix it." That is a good idea but I don't think Daddy wants another thing to add on to his "To Do List." Hehe.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Here we are getting ourselves ready for Disneyland!! I'm excited for two reasons: 1) We haven't been since forever it seems and 2) Its Unofficial Homeschooling Day!! I am totally excited!! Yippie!! We have our tie-dyed shirts ready... well, not quite ready, they're in the dryer right now. I'll post some pictures and how the day at Disney went later. So for now this entry will be short. TTFN- Ta-Ta-For-Now!! and TGIF- Thank-Goodness-It's-Friday!!
You like the shirts?? Homemade with LOVE!!
You like the shirts?? Homemade with LOVE!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
I just arrived home from a nice outing to a Deaf event. It's closely approaching 12 midnight. I went to Grind in Long Beach for the first time. There were a large number of Baptist there. I had a good time socializing and chatting it up with some fellow classmates that showed up.
I've noticed something strange.. When a person who doesn't know sign says something like, "SO.. you know (place in some hand gestures). Huh??" Like those hand gestures really mean anything. I find it funny, everyone I know who doesn't know ASL does that. It's kinda as if they don't have"sign language" or "ASL" in their vocabulary.
Looks like next week is going to be tough!! A week of quizzes!! Practically all week I will be having quizzes. Tons of fun?!?! I'm stressing out... I need help!! LORD JESUS HELP ME!! Wish me luck I'm going to cram for my quizzes now... Enjoy a night of rest everyone.
I've noticed something strange.. When a person who doesn't know sign says something like, "SO.. you know (place in some hand gestures). Huh??" Like those hand gestures really mean anything. I find it funny, everyone I know who doesn't know ASL does that. It's kinda as if they don't have"sign language" or "ASL" in their vocabulary.
Looks like next week is going to be tough!! A week of quizzes!! Practically all week I will be having quizzes. Tons of fun?!?! I'm stressing out... I need help!! LORD JESUS HELP ME!! Wish me luck I'm going to cram for my quizzes now... Enjoy a night of rest everyone.
A Nice Day at the Park
Today was our plan was to go to Disneyland, but our plans were foiled when my Husband was called to work and because we are under the weather we decided it was best to stay home. At first I was bummed that we couldn't go, now all is well.
I remembered that there was a one yahoo group that is quite close to us. We were never able to go due to it being on Fridays and that's my Hubby day off. (We normally have our family time on Fridays at Disneyland.) So I went to Google the park which is right around the corner from me. It is awesome!!! The park was so nice with big trees for shade and a few ponds and waterfalls for the ducks. Rocks to climb on and a great jungle gym equipment that's so brand new. I met the moms from the Yahoo group. They were all so welcoming! I had a blast and ended up staying later than I really should have. We had a so much fun making new friends at the park.
It was past our lunch time so I decided it was a good idea to leave and grab something to eat. We picked up some McDonald's. A nice treat after a nice day out in the sun playing. Got home to scarf down our food and we all passed out.
Later tonight I'm off to a Deaf event. It's been a while since I've gone to one. I'm excited meeting new people. I can't wait because it will be my first time going to this one and going with a very nice classmate of mine. I just adore her!! She is a sweetheart and I live vicariously through her. She's mild mannered but has this crazy streak inside of her that just reminds me of me. hehe! Well, we will have a great time tonight. I can't wait!!
I remembered that there was a one yahoo group that is quite close to us. We were never able to go due to it being on Fridays and that's my Hubby day off. (We normally have our family time on Fridays at Disneyland.) So I went to Google the park which is right around the corner from me. It is awesome!!! The park was so nice with big trees for shade and a few ponds and waterfalls for the ducks. Rocks to climb on and a great jungle gym equipment that's so brand new. I met the moms from the Yahoo group. They were all so welcoming! I had a blast and ended up staying later than I really should have. We had a so much fun making new friends at the park.
It was past our lunch time so I decided it was a good idea to leave and grab something to eat. We picked up some McDonald's. A nice treat after a nice day out in the sun playing. Got home to scarf down our food and we all passed out.
Later tonight I'm off to a Deaf event. It's been a while since I've gone to one. I'm excited meeting new people. I can't wait because it will be my first time going to this one and going with a very nice classmate of mine. I just adore her!! She is a sweetheart and I live vicariously through her. She's mild mannered but has this crazy streak inside of her that just reminds me of me. hehe! Well, we will have a great time tonight. I can't wait!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sick and Tired
We are SICK!! All my plans have gone out the window!!! We are down with a cold. Given to us by my lovely cousin from Chicago! What a great present to give to our family... GRRR!! The whole family is infected by her!! My husband, the boys and then me. She not only infected my whole family, she got my best friend sick and she got one of her other friends from H.S. sick too. She leaves a trail of bed ridden people.
I feel sorry for my hubby who must work this week sick or not. He just got over a bad congestion/cold a week ago and now he's got another one.
I feel sorry for my hubby who must work this week sick or not. He just got over a bad congestion/cold a week ago and now he's got another one.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Where to draw the line?
Last Friday was interesting to say the least. I had gone out with my cousin and best friend out to a club. I really did enjoy a girls night out with a few drinks and dancing. We had a blast together.
Now... I'm a Christian. Some think that what I did would be BAD and SINFUL, where others are more like eeehhh! Where is the line drawn??
I must admit the music was not my taste. I didn't drink to get drunk. I drank 2 mixed drinks and the rest was water. I know my limit from past experiences.
Where do you draw the line??
Now... I'm a Christian. Some think that what I did would be BAD and SINFUL, where others are more like eeehhh! Where is the line drawn??
I must admit the music was not my taste. I didn't drink to get drunk. I drank 2 mixed drinks and the rest was water. I know my limit from past experiences.
Where do you draw the line??
So today was one of my interpreting classes, Adv. Voice to Sign. Our class now has a quiz coming up next week.... I'm running in fear!! AAAAHHHH!! I need to interpret F.D.R.'s "A Day That Will Live In Infamy..." speech. I am not ready for this at all. I think I'll do alright with the right amount of practice and research. Prayers are needed... go ahead and send them my way....
When I was in class today I was talking to one of my classmates about schedules and kids. She made a comment saying, "Wait till your kids are in grade school." I told her that I decided to homeschool my kids and the looks on her and the girl next to her were of unbelief. Such negative reactions to my one comment. I found myself trying to explain to them why and trying to justify myself. Now that I think of it.. I'll always be trying to explain and justify my decision to other people, when I really don't need to.
Why do people think that homeschooling people will be cut off from the world?? I mean I'm not going to put my boys in a box and hide them under the bed for all eternity... (Although that does sound like a good idea... hehe) But really?!?! I think my kids have more friends in the homeschooling network than in regular school. Not only that they have a wide variety of friends of different backgrounds and beliefs. They have more exposure to how the real world works... Like I said before I'm sick of confoming to this world since I'm not of this world. (*signs* PA-SHA)
I was thinking... maybe I'll take my little boys to the movies tomorrow. Jay has no school and we wouldn't be doing much at home anyways, (beside FUN chores *ick*). The dollar theater would be open. I forgot about the option of going there till some one in my yahoo group posted that she was going today. Obviously I'm a little late for today, with it being 10:40pm right now. Too bad I didn't check my email sooner.
When I was in class today I was talking to one of my classmates about schedules and kids. She made a comment saying, "Wait till your kids are in grade school." I told her that I decided to homeschool my kids and the looks on her and the girl next to her were of unbelief. Such negative reactions to my one comment. I found myself trying to explain to them why and trying to justify myself. Now that I think of it.. I'll always be trying to explain and justify my decision to other people, when I really don't need to.
Why do people think that homeschooling people will be cut off from the world?? I mean I'm not going to put my boys in a box and hide them under the bed for all eternity... (Although that does sound like a good idea... hehe) But really?!?! I think my kids have more friends in the homeschooling network than in regular school. Not only that they have a wide variety of friends of different backgrounds and beliefs. They have more exposure to how the real world works... Like I said before I'm sick of confoming to this world since I'm not of this world. (*signs* PA-SHA)
I was thinking... maybe I'll take my little boys to the movies tomorrow. Jay has no school and we wouldn't be doing much at home anyways, (beside FUN chores *ick*). The dollar theater would be open. I forgot about the option of going there till some one in my yahoo group posted that she was going today. Obviously I'm a little late for today, with it being 10:40pm right now. Too bad I didn't check my email sooner.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Icky Weather
We have some ICKY weather over here. I was wishing to go to Disneyland today but the rain came in. I'm done with this rainy weather!! I know we need it but I'd like for it to go now. I've been moody lately.... I hear Seattle has some pretty bad stats about weather and suicides... Strange how weather can really effect your mood. I feel like the weather is probably effecting me now.
So it's president's day. YEAH!! A day off from school!!! Yippie!! No school for me and Jay. I'm really enjoying the time we spend together. It's just so much fun. I find that Jay is so much more curious when he's at home. He's always asking questions. Why and How things are the way they are. I love it. He can ask some really good questions that just leave me stumped. So there I am on the internet trying to figure a way out to explain the answer to his question. And from the answer I give him he asks some more questions that lead me back to the computer for more research. The bright young minds we mold.
With the icky weather I thought it would be a good idea to bake some cookies!! We made 2 dozen cookies for our family to enjoy. I sure did help our moods from cooped up inside all day. I'm getting a little cabin fever!! :P I need OUT! OUT I SAY!! Well we off to explore some more at grandma's house. A new change of scenery would do us all well.
There's just never any where to go with all this wet weather... Any one know of a few good places that are inexpensive and indoors away from this awful weather?? Comment me with an answer.
So it's president's day. YEAH!! A day off from school!!! Yippie!! No school for me and Jay. I'm really enjoying the time we spend together. It's just so much fun. I find that Jay is so much more curious when he's at home. He's always asking questions. Why and How things are the way they are. I love it. He can ask some really good questions that just leave me stumped. So there I am on the internet trying to figure a way out to explain the answer to his question. And from the answer I give him he asks some more questions that lead me back to the computer for more research. The bright young minds we mold.
With the icky weather I thought it would be a good idea to bake some cookies!! We made 2 dozen cookies for our family to enjoy. I sure did help our moods from cooped up inside all day. I'm getting a little cabin fever!! :P I need OUT! OUT I SAY!! Well we off to explore some more at grandma's house. A new change of scenery would do us all well.
There's just never any where to go with all this wet weather... Any one know of a few good places that are inexpensive and indoors away from this awful weather?? Comment me with an answer.
Friday, February 13, 2009
My Crazy Week
This week has been quite crazy. I've been busy all week with school and visiting people.
On Monday I went to pick up my cousin from the airport. She came from the Chicago area to visit family and friends. We really enjoyed ourselves. We made a pit stop to her fav. burger joint, In and Out. I dropped her off at my parent's house and went on my way to school.
Tuesday we spent almost all day with each other. Taken a trip to the Santa Ana Zoo. Looked at some of the animals and things they had there. I noticed that they are revamping a lot of their stuff. We were about to ride on the train but we got there a little too late to ride. Bee started to cry because he really wanted to go. Jay and Bee are obsessed with trains and pirate ships. They both were disappointed. Later in the day we went out to eat. We ate at the best place ever "The Boiling Crab!" I love that place!! We stuffed ourselves silly with crawfish, raw oysters, sausage, shrimp and some corn. Oh my!! I was so stuffed. Then went off to school!
Wednesday I pulled Jay out of class a bit early to go on a field trip the a church, Open Doors USA. I really enjoyed the trip, although the boys were a bit young to really understand what was being told. I hope that they remember bits and pieces of it. It was quite an experience! Just seeing what happens in other countries, the persecution people go though because of believing what they believe. To be imprisoned because you have a certain belief is so ridiculous. It was just a great eye opener to see what privileges we have living in America. After our field trip we had gone to the park with our friends and didn't stay too long. My cousin had called and invited us out to lunch. Dim-Sum!!! YUM-O! I ate till my belly was about to burst. hehe Then later went off to school.
Thursday was fun. I picked up my cousin and ran some errands with her. We picked up some wine over at Bevmo. Then we both got our toes done. Mine are all purdy!! I really like them. Sometimes getting your toes done can change your day completely!! I had a great time hanging with my cuz. I dropped her off and headed to a Valentine's Day party at the park where we hung out with a bunch of our friends. Our group decided to move locations because of the wind chill. It was freezing!! Then later school again!!
Today was a fun day. Dropped Jay off at school and stayed for most of time. Came home for a second to run some errands and went back to his school for the party. We totally crashed their party. Hehe. We had fun in class. I enjoyed talking to the other moms there. After school we took time to relax and now I'm waiting for my beloved Husband to wake up so we can got he Disneyland.
On Monday I went to pick up my cousin from the airport. She came from the Chicago area to visit family and friends. We really enjoyed ourselves. We made a pit stop to her fav. burger joint, In and Out. I dropped her off at my parent's house and went on my way to school.
Tuesday we spent almost all day with each other. Taken a trip to the Santa Ana Zoo. Looked at some of the animals and things they had there. I noticed that they are revamping a lot of their stuff. We were about to ride on the train but we got there a little too late to ride. Bee started to cry because he really wanted to go. Jay and Bee are obsessed with trains and pirate ships. They both were disappointed. Later in the day we went out to eat. We ate at the best place ever "The Boiling Crab!" I love that place!! We stuffed ourselves silly with crawfish, raw oysters, sausage, shrimp and some corn. Oh my!! I was so stuffed. Then went off to school!
Wednesday I pulled Jay out of class a bit early to go on a field trip the a church, Open Doors USA. I really enjoyed the trip, although the boys were a bit young to really understand what was being told. I hope that they remember bits and pieces of it. It was quite an experience! Just seeing what happens in other countries, the persecution people go though because of believing what they believe. To be imprisoned because you have a certain belief is so ridiculous. It was just a great eye opener to see what privileges we have living in America. After our field trip we had gone to the park with our friends and didn't stay too long. My cousin had called and invited us out to lunch. Dim-Sum!!! YUM-O! I ate till my belly was about to burst. hehe Then later went off to school.
Thursday was fun. I picked up my cousin and ran some errands with her. We picked up some wine over at Bevmo. Then we both got our toes done. Mine are all purdy!! I really like them. Sometimes getting your toes done can change your day completely!! I had a great time hanging with my cuz. I dropped her off and headed to a Valentine's Day party at the park where we hung out with a bunch of our friends. Our group decided to move locations because of the wind chill. It was freezing!! Then later school again!!
Today was a fun day. Dropped Jay off at school and stayed for most of time. Came home for a second to run some errands and went back to his school for the party. We totally crashed their party. Hehe. We had fun in class. I enjoyed talking to the other moms there. After school we took time to relax and now I'm waiting for my beloved Husband to wake up so we can got he Disneyland.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Thomas the Train

Yesterday was a fun family day! The boys were excited to see Thomas the Train live on stage. A nice introduction to the theater. It was nice to go as a family, the four of us had a fun time together. Jay and Bee enjoyed it very much but it was funny to see them. The play was pretty interactive and yet my boys decided to just sat and watched. Our kids seem to be the only ones that sat so quietly. I think I showed more enthusiasm than they did. hehe.
A big thanks to my older brother who bought the tickets for us. He's always spoiling my kids. He got us seats in like the 7th row from the front and pretty much dead center. It was a late Christmas present from my brother to the kids. I could never dish out the same amount of money for Thomas.
After enjoying the performance we went on over to my Mom's house. There we enjoyed a nice bowl of hot pot. So nice to have some hot soup on a cold rainy day. My whole family sat around the table cooking our hot pot and eatting away. It was delicious!!
We hung out for a few more hours waiting for my brother to see if he could fix our other desktop computer. Too bad we have to wipe it now. We had some great stuff on that computer!! Star Trek the Next Generation all seven seasons!! Of all the things I'd hate to lose is that and our pictures on our computer. I should of had a back up. I guess its time to buy a terabite external hard drive. My older brother, The Computer Dr. took longer than we had expected so we are going to pick it up sometime today. I'm always running to him for help. He's my personal IT! haha
Friday, February 6, 2009
How many Arrows?
One of my many friends made a comment on one of my posts, it reads:
'Question of the moment: If you were going to war, how many arrows would you want in your quiver? Is the national average of 2.08 enough for you?
"As arrows in the hands of a mighty man, so are children to their fathers. Happy is the man that hath his quiver FULL of them!"Psalm 128I love this quote and got it from a family of 16! That will be us someday! ;-)'
I would love for my quiver to be as full as possible! As many as I can get! If our family were ever to adopt I'd really like to adopt a young deaf black child with some nappy hair. (he he I want those little African Beauties!) Although my husband isn't currently interested in adopting. I am not satisfied with the national average of 2.08. (Random thought: Would a .08 mean a woman who recently became prego?? hehe Makes no sense just round it down or up.) Continuing... In a perfect world I'd like to have 2 more babies but it is ultimately up to the one who is sitting up there. I can wish all I want but He decides. I believe that my wish for 2 more babies will come to pass. I hope and pray for more arrows to be sent my way.
I believe that God can do impossible things for those who believe, like raise a large family through these difficult econimic times. It doesn't matter what it is, He will take care of you! "All things work together for the good to them who love GOD." Roman 8:28 A little word of encouragement for families in dire need in these dire times. Just have FAITH!
Lord Jesus, may you full my quiver full of arrows so that my family may be mighty warriors and weapons that do Your will! Arrows that defend and save others from this world so that they my build up their treasures in heaven.
'Question of the moment: If you were going to war, how many arrows would you want in your quiver? Is the national average of 2.08 enough for you?
"As arrows in the hands of a mighty man, so are children to their fathers. Happy is the man that hath his quiver FULL of them!"Psalm 128I love this quote and got it from a family of 16! That will be us someday! ;-)'
I would love for my quiver to be as full as possible! As many as I can get! If our family were ever to adopt I'd really like to adopt a young deaf black child with some nappy hair. (he he I want those little African Beauties!) Although my husband isn't currently interested in adopting. I am not satisfied with the national average of 2.08. (Random thought: Would a .08 mean a woman who recently became prego?? hehe Makes no sense just round it down or up.) Continuing... In a perfect world I'd like to have 2 more babies but it is ultimately up to the one who is sitting up there. I can wish all I want but He decides. I believe that my wish for 2 more babies will come to pass. I hope and pray for more arrows to be sent my way.
I believe that God can do impossible things for those who believe, like raise a large family through these difficult econimic times. It doesn't matter what it is, He will take care of you! "All things work together for the good to them who love GOD." Roman 8:28 A little word of encouragement for families in dire need in these dire times. Just have FAITH!
Lord Jesus, may you full my quiver full of arrows so that my family may be mighty warriors and weapons that do Your will! Arrows that defend and save others from this world so that they my build up their treasures in heaven.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wonderful Husband
I love my husband!! He truly is a gem that I do treasure!! He is my Michale, (a refrence to Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. If you haven't read it you should).
Anyways! I came home from school to find the boys are quietly playing in their room with Legos. They were already fed and good to go. My hubby had asked for some candy to soothe his sweet tooth and so I had gone out to get some. I then come home again to find my husband standing by the stove warming up my food. While I sat and ate my food Jay comes up to me asking for a bed time story. I told him to ask Daddy really quick since I was eating and my husband agrees. Upon finishing my food I walk past the bedroom to find all my boys snuggled up on the lazy-boy in their room listening to Daddy read. Just listening to them talk in the other room made me just melt.
Anyways! I came home from school to find the boys are quietly playing in their room with Legos. They were already fed and good to go. My hubby had asked for some candy to soothe his sweet tooth and so I had gone out to get some. I then come home again to find my husband standing by the stove warming up my food. While I sat and ate my food Jay comes up to me asking for a bed time story. I told him to ask Daddy really quick since I was eating and my husband agrees. Upon finishing my food I walk past the bedroom to find all my boys snuggled up on the lazy-boy in their room listening to Daddy read. Just listening to them talk in the other room made me just melt.
The rain is coming down today!! It was a nice and sunny morning and all of a sudden it started to rain. I wasn't expecting it at all! I obviously didn't look at the forecast before I left the house. I didn't have an umbrella, not even a coat.
Today was a nice day even with the rain. I hung out with my buddy. We had a great time shopping for some church things. I know I was helping her work but it felt more like fun and play to me. Bought her and her babies some lunch since it was her birthday. Happy Birthday Girl!! (That's if you're reading this.)
Now I need to atempt to go to school in the rain. I dont enjoy driving in the rain. But I need to go to school so I am off to fending off bad drivers in not so great conditions.
Today was a nice day even with the rain. I hung out with my buddy. We had a great time shopping for some church things. I know I was helping her work but it felt more like fun and play to me. Bought her and her babies some lunch since it was her birthday. Happy Birthday Girl!! (That's if you're reading this.)
Now I need to atempt to go to school in the rain. I dont enjoy driving in the rain. But I need to go to school so I am off to fending off bad drivers in not so great conditions.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Interpreting Program
One step closer to completing my certificate!! I've added my last class, and now I'm enrolled in all my classes. Next step... Passing all of them.
My class on Monday requires a lot of work. 30 hours of interpreting 5 reports on 5 different interpreters, and some other things. My goodness!! I have my work cut out for me this semester. I thought I had it easy taking one less class than last semester. Oh MY!!! I guess I will definitly need the Lords blessing. I'm excited to see what happens.
30 hours of interpreting... Where am I needed?? Any one need an interpreter?? I need to find some where that I can work. Will work for homework points!! HAHA!!
My class on Monday requires a lot of work. 30 hours of interpreting 5 reports on 5 different interpreters, and some other things. My goodness!! I have my work cut out for me this semester. I thought I had it easy taking one less class than last semester. Oh MY!!! I guess I will definitly need the Lords blessing. I'm excited to see what happens.
30 hours of interpreting... Where am I needed?? Any one need an interpreter?? I need to find some where that I can work. Will work for homework points!! HAHA!!
As some of you know I decided to ed-u-macate my kids. So today I wasn't feeling up to waking up Jay from his slumber. We ditched pre-skool!! Ha ha!! I'm a bad influence on my children.
I really dont like the school system. I send my baby off to school and some how he learns things. I feel left out of the loop. There's not much communication between the teacher and the parent. I want to know what goes on while Jay is in school learning. What is he learning? Is there conflict between him and a friend?? I mean if there was a conflict... with children that young you need to nip it in the butt before it gets to be a big thing. I'm over trying to assimult into this population. I was made for better and greater things. I'm just SPECIAL!! Define special how ever you like.
Bee decided to jump into bed with me this morning so we cuddled and cuddled. So I layed in bed having my hair pulled and played with. By the time I finally got up my hair that was in a neat bun turned into a monster because of a little monster.
Well the day is barely half over so we are off to explore and learn new things... Be back bloging soon!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Park and SKOOL!!
Today was our park day with the COC group. The boys and I had fun today. We hung out with the cool Huelle's. Grabed some ice cream after some drama happened, but sweets makes things all better. Eatting a little sugar can make the day seem a little sweeter. We left early only because I just started school today.
Getting back to school again!! Got to my first class today, with good ol' RC!! It was nice to see my classmates from last semester. It was rather fun to chat and hang out with them. Looks like this semester will be quite a handful for me. This one class is asking for a lot from us. I believe I'm prepared for it???
For those of you who don't know... I'm studying to be an Interpreter for the Deaf. I hope to be finished with completing my certificate this semester. After this semester I will be ready and able to work. I'm excited to see what I'm made of... (more like scare) I'm not really looking to work full time later when I finish because my priorities are my babies.
I love them too much to leave them. How can you leave when they are too cute for words?? (What can I say I'm their Mama!!) Really though, I don't care about the money as much as I care for Jay and Bee. With all the money in the world I can never replace them. They are the seeds for the next generation.
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Today I was lounging at home with nothing to do... Suddenly I heard my phone buzz, I frantically was looking around for my phone and found it under my husband who was awoken by it. he he :) My friend had called informing me of the Bowers Museum's free day. I decided since I had nothing better to do that it would be fun to hang out with my buddy and for my kids to play with their buddies too.
I arrived earlier than my friends did so we sat and enjoyed the entertainment that was provided. We sat on the shady grass and listened to a man sing and tell stories he brought back from Africa. I really enjoyed the show. He was talking about his wife and about how they were grandparents. (It was odd for the fact that they seemed to only look like they were in there early thirty!?!?)
I finally found my friend who had invited me at the craft table making mask. Jay and Bee had decided to join in on the fun. They made some beautiful paper plate masks. When all the kids had finished we took some pictures of them.
I was then approched by a young girl from Cal State Fullerton. I say young but she was probally my age. She asked me some questions and took some pictures of the boys. It was really cool to be in the journalism process.
We took a tour of the inside of Bowers, it was a quick tour mind you. We could have stayed all day but we needed to still go to church. Bowers has so much to offer and we only stayed for a few minutes mainly because I was afraid that Jay and Bee's grubby little fingers would soon find a priceless artifact causing our family to then be indebted to the musume for life.
Over all we had a great time at the Bower's Musume. I will defineitly take advatage of there free days and the events that go on there. They really do have a lot to offer the community.
It was nice to learn more about Jay and Bee's heritage, both the Native and African American side.
This Past Week

This past week has been so busy but so so much fun. The Jay and Bee are starting to really get into the homeschooling nitch/groove. I'm enjoying the outings that we have with our family and our friends. We have been going non-stop since Thursday till today Sunday.
Thursday we had a great park day with some old friends and a few new ones. Jay and Bee made so many new friends. We really had a great time fellowshiping with everyone there that we didn't leave till 5 o'clock. It was so nice to meet new people that are so kind and love to chat as much as you do. (I can be a real talker at times.)
Friday, one of the park mamas joined me at the Huntington Beach Library for a Native Play. It was suppose to be another mom joining us but she had a bad morning. We then met up with her later and went to another park for more frolicking and fun. The event at the Library was nice because of the fact that the lady who ran the event is a friend of the family. It was nice teaching the kids about their heritage.
Saturday was nice because I convinced my husband to go with us to the Queen Mary. They had a great deal where the month of January was free. It was so much fun to be on the boat. While driving there Jay and Bee fell asleep. Jay woke up and looked out his window and went wild. He was so excited to see a big boat out his window he tried to wake up Bee. Our family had a blast hanging out there. We probally only saw about 1/3 of the ship but we were glad to leave because of the masive influx of people there that day.
Today deserves it's own post... hehe
Welcome to my fab new blog! I don't know if it will be fab, but it's new!?! I'm sit here and the rest of my family is fast asleep, as I enjoy a nice cup of hot tea and blog.
I am a young 22 year old mother of two DS. My oldest is Jay and my youngest is Bee. They are so fun loving and free spirited. I really enjoy hanging out with them. Now a days I see that few parents really enjoy their children like our family does. The strange times we live in...
"Arrows In The Hand Of A Warrior" Why such a blog name like this? Well... My calling in life has been and alway will be a MOTHER. One of my favorite passages in scripture is... "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They will not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies in the gate." Ps 127:3-5 As parents we need to be warriors fighting off evil away from our children. We need to raise our children up in mighty warriors and weapons for the Lord. An arrow can only go where a warrior points it.
Well, let me tell you of how My Hubby and I got started on homeschooling. I first heard homeschooling from my friend. She informed me of a few things and never thought much about it. Then as I met more and more people and found that these people were not strange and socially inept like society leads us to believe. They were truely ordinary people that you meet and talk to everyday. I felt a tug inside myself to research some more, the more I found the more I enjoyed the idea of homeschooling. Now I was all for homeschooling and my Husband was not. He didn't want to create bubbled and socially challenge children, but he finally came to realize that he was wrong. (Look I was RIGHT! hehe) Now that we've made our decision we are waiting to OFICIALLY start homeschooling.
As I've been learning about homeschooling I've learned that it is more of a lifestyle rather than just teaching. It really does open the door to new oppertunities to learn at any and every moment in life. Daily routine life becomes academics, Cooking becomes chemestry science and math, Dinner becomes social interaction and ediquet. The world literaly becomes your classroom.
I am excited to start our new journey in to what is new territory for my family. Who know what God has in store for us? We know that we are blessed beyond all measure and all this family wants to do is to magnify and glorify HIM.
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This is a Blog of my Christian walk as a Homeschooling Housewife. A young mother of 3 rambunctious boy, they are gifts from God. "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They will not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies in the gate." Ps 127:3-5