This past week has been so busy but so so much fun. The Jay and Bee are starting to really get into the homeschooling nitch/groove. I'm enjoying the outings that we have with our family and our friends. We have been going non-stop since Thursday till today Sunday.
Thursday we had a great park day with some old friends and a few new ones. Jay and Bee made so many new friends. We really had a great time fellowshiping with everyone there that we didn't leave till 5 o'clock. It was so nice to meet new people that are so kind and love to chat as much as you do. (I can be a real talker at times.)
Friday, one of the park mamas joined me at the Huntington Beach Library for a Native Play. It was suppose to be another mom joining us but she had a bad morning. We then met up with her later and went to another park for more frolicking and fun. The event at the Library was nice because of the fact that the lady who ran the event is a friend of the family. It was nice teaching the kids about their heritage.
Saturday was nice because I convinced my husband to go with us to the Queen Mary. They had a great deal where the month of January was free. It was so much fun to be on the boat. While driving there Jay and Bee fell asleep. Jay woke up and looked out his window and went wild. He was so excited to see a big boat out his window he tried to wake up Bee. Our family had a blast hanging out there. We probally only saw about 1/3 of the ship but we were glad to leave because of the masive influx of people there that day.
Today deserves it's own post... hehe
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