Thursday, July 2, 2009

Christianity and Homeschooling

Well as you all know I'm a Jesus follower who has decided to homeschool... I see so many people with scrunched up faces when I tell them I'm homeschooling as if I have a huge wart on my face. I guess I still need to get use to the negativity that comes with this new found territory. I must say that I believe that homeschooling is a calling for our family. We have prayed and fasted over this. This decision was made between husband, wife and God.

God calls us to, "train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6 I think training not only pertains to Godliness but academics as well.

God also warns us of being in the wrong crowds. "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 13:20 How are we as parents suppose to protect our children from the wrong crowds when we aren't there to see it? In a public school setting we find out too late. Even in preschool Jay's teacher couldn't tell me who he accidentally tripped over because of some rule they had. (I understand that it was an accident but what else can they hide from a parent?) What else won't they tell me till it's too late??

Titus 2 talks about how we are to teach each other. No just mother or father teaching but the older generation teaching the younger ones.

The first communities that was established was what?? Adam and Eve... A family! Where did teaching begin? God teaching his children the Laws and then in the FAMILY.

I understand that people dont want to go down this road but who is better to train your children than their own mother and father? Is a stranger to know your child better than you? I know in this society we think of ACADEMICS before we think of GODLINESS. But it is better to train them up for Heaven than for Harvard!

How is it that children who are homeschooled socially inept? I think that is a falicy! Homeschooled children are not only schooled at home but in every environment possible. They find that learning is not only in a building that is paid by taxes and government funds but everywhere. Because learning is everywhere they interact and socialize with a varity of people. So to say a homeschooled child is socially inept is wrong. It's only that way if you want it to be.

I just had to vent it out...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You go girl! Homeschooled children are exposed to many environments. For example, my children aged 5, 3 1/2, and 2 1/2 got to see a worker at our home welding two pieces of a balcony railing together. Most parents would try to have these things done when the kids are "out of the way," but my kids get to learn how things work and how things get put together just by being home.

They will also learn home economic skills by being home. Something I never learned in school. (And my older sister only had a semester class on it in 9th grade.)

Just joining the bandwagon here. :D

This is a Blog of my Christian walk as a Homeschooling Housewife. A young mother of 3 rambunctious boy, they are gifts from God. "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They will not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies in the gate." Ps 127:3-5